In this article, we will present a step-by-step process for you to determine whether or not you should take the plunge and repair your roof before selling your property.
The first thing to do is determine if there is any damage to the roof! Sometimes the damage will be obvious (missing tiles, cracks, etc.), but there’s always a chance that you’ll miss something on visual inspection from a distance.
The best way to determine the extent of the damage and repair is to use a trusted technician or roofing contractors to perform a thorough inspection of the roof. That person will be able to give you deeper insight into potential problems. And you’ll probably be able to tell if there are any structural deficiencies or other issues you might have missed on a visual inspection.
If there is any damage to the roof, the next step is to determine how much it will cost to repair or replace it. Get a few different estimates from reputable sources in the area, as builders’ numbers are likely to be different.
The average cost of roof replacement or repair will also vary, but in general, you can expect to see numbers in the low to a few thousand range of $5,000 to $15,000.
Again, talk to some expert specialists and request a quote, to arrive at the number you feel comfortable with.
So, now that you’ve determined the extent of the damage and seen how much it costs to repair, you need to determine if you really need to make the repairs. Sometimes the answer is very obvious: if there is significant, massive, obvious damage to the roof that will be obvious to any potential homebuyer, it is an easy and necessary decision to go ahead with the repairs.
However, if there are only a few minor adjustments and repairs that need to be done, you will need to assess whether the cosmetic factor for those roof repairs may be enough. Undoubtedly, in the final result, to compensate for the amount of money that you will have to shell out, for the repair.
So, gather all your information and choose wisely!
You may decide that the cost is too high or that it will cause too much stress to do the work yourself. So, you can go ahead and try to sell your house with the problem of the roof.
Often, you’ll find a buyer who’s happy to take it on themselves, and you’ll still be able to get a decent price. For example, if the house is worth around $150,000 with its roof intact, and it will cost $10,000 to repair the roof, then the goal is to get an offer of around $135,000 to $140,000 on the house.